çok kullanışlı saptanmasında ve eritrositlerin yararlıdır. Ancak her laboratuvara özgü eşik değerin belirlenmesi ve protein düzeyinin ölçümü ile birlikte değerlendirilme yapılması önerilmekte ve tek başına kullanımı önerilmemektedir. Bu şekilde belirlenecek glomerüler hastalık tanısında, eşik değer ve proteinüri seviyesi ile birlikte güvenle kullanabilir; böylelikle böbrek biyopsisi, sistoskopi gibi invaziv işlemleri daha seçici olgularda kullanılabilirsiniz. Bu yazı TTB STE/SMG Akreditasyon Kredilendirme Kurulu tarafından kredilendirilmiştir, bu yazıdan kredilendirilmek istiyorsanız lütfen cevaplarınızı QR kodu form aracılığı ile bizlere iletiniz. „Sysmex UF-Serisi idrardaki eritrositleri • Dismorfik • İzomorfik • Karışık popülasyon olarak kullanıcıyı bilgilendirir.” Referanslar: 1. Grossfeld GD, Wolf JS Jr, Litwan MS, Hricak H, Shuler CL, Agerter DC, et al. Asymptomatic microscopic hematuria in adults: summary of the AUA best practice policy recommendation. Am Fam Physician 2001; 63: 1145-1154. 2. Mohr DN, Offord KP, Owen RA et al. Asymptomatic microhematuria and urologic disease: a population based study. JAMA 1986; 256:224-229. erythrocytes. Clin Exp Nephrol 2005; 9: 304-309. 14. Nohler H, Wandel E, Brunck B. Acanthocyturia- a characteristic marker for identifying glomerular bleeding: Kidney Int 1982; 21: 105-108. 15. Chu-Su Y, Shukuya K, Yokoyama T, Lin W-C, Chiang C-K, Lin C-W Enhancing the detection of dysmorphic Red Blood Cells and Renal Tubular Epithelial cells with a modified Urinalysis protocol. Scientific Reports 2017; 7:40521. 3. Cohen RA, Brown RS. Clinical Practice. Microscopic hematuria. N 16. Davis R, Jones JS, Barocas DA, Castle EP, Lang EP, Lang EK, Leveillee Engl J Med 2003; 348:2330-2338. 4. Sokolosky MC. Hematuria. Emerg Med Clin North Am 2001;19: 621-632. 5. Khadra MH, Pickard RS, Charlton M, Oıwell PH, Neal DE. A prospective analysis of 1930 patients with hematuria to evaluate current diagnostic practice. J Urol 2000; 163: 524-527. 6. Fogazzi GB, Saglimbeni L, Banfi G, Cantu M, Moroni G, Garigali G, Cesana BM. Urinary sediment features in proliferative and non- proliferative glomerular diseases. J Nephrol 2005; 18:703-710. 7. Fairley KF, Birch DF. Hematuria: a simple method for identifying glomerular bleeding. Kidney Int. 1982; 21:105-108. 8. Pollock C, Liu PL, Gyory AZ, Grigg R, Gallery ED, Caterson R, et al. Dysmorphism of urinary red blod cells- value in diagnosis. Kidney Int 1989; 36:1045-1049. 9. Zaman Z, Proesman W. Dysmorphic erythrocytes and G1 cells as markers of glomerular hematuria. Pediatr Nephrol 2000; 14:980- 984 10. Pilsworth TJ, Haver VM, Abrass DK, Delaney CJ. Differentiation of rena from non-renal hematuria by microscopic examination of erythrocytes in urine. Clin Chem 1987; 33:1791-1795. 11. Schramek P, Moritsch A, Haschkowitz H, Binder BR, Maier M. In vitro generation of dysmorphic erythrocytes. Kidney Int 1989; 36:72-77. 12. Nguyen GK. Urine cytology in renal glomerular disease and value of G1 cell in the diagnosis of glomerular bleeding. Diagnostic Cytopathology 2003; 29: 67-73. 13. Nagahama D, et al. A useful new classification of dysmorphic urinary RJ, et al. Diagnosis, evaluation and follow-up of asymptomatic microhematuria (AMH) in adults: AUA guideline. J Urol 2012; 188:2473-2481. 17. Koo KC, Lee KS, Choi AR, Rha KH, Hong SJ, Chung BH. Diagnostic impact of gysmorphic red blood cells on evaluating microscopic hematuria: the urologist’s perspective. Int Urol Nephrol 2016; 48:1021-1027.. 18. Oktenli G, Tunca Y, Bulucu F, Vural A. Computer assisted light microscopy in evaluating urinary red blood cell morphology. Clin Nephrol 1999; 51:130-131. 19. Kore EN, Dow CS, Desai KM. A new automated system for urine analysis: a simple, cost effective and reliable method for distinguishing between glomerular and nonglomerular sources of hematuria. BJU Int 1999; 84: 454-460. 20. Uno D, Kawakami S. UF-1000i/UF-500i clinical case study. 2nd ed: Kobe, Sysmex Corporation, 2014 ;1-35. 21. Shichiri M, Hosoda K, Nishio Y et al. Red-cell volume distribution curves in diagnosis of glomerular and non-glomerular haematuria. Lancet 1988; 23:908-911. 22. Kim H, Kim YO, Kim Y, Suh J-S, Cho E-J, Lee HK. Small red blood cell fraction on the UF-1000i urine analyzer as a screening tool to detect dysmorphic red Blood cells for diagnosing glomerulonephritis. Ann Lab Med 2019; 39: 277-283. 23. Crop MJ, Rijke YB, Verhagen PMCS, Carlberg K, Zietse R. Diagnostic value of urinary Dysmorphic erythrocytes in Clinical Practice. Nephron Clin Pract 2010;115: c203-c212. XTRA 1/2021 53